The whole human body acts as a complex bio-electric circuit consisting of nervous system and other organs. Electrical impulses are generated in the body because of the continuous heart beats, blood circulation, and conduction of sensory and motor impulses in nerves, contraction and relaxing of muscles. These electrical impulses are known as bio-electricity. Because of difference in the energy levels of different body parts, flow of bio-electric current starts. Psycho-somatic stress and maladjustment breaks this well-coordinated flow of bio-electric current as well as normal functioning of the systems which results in uncomfortable feeling, illness and abnormal psyche. Wearing Rudraksha controls, normalizes and regulates the flow of bio-electric current in the body. Rudraksha exhibits electrical properties and wearing Rudraksha has a definitive factor of resistance. This resistance generates a specific ampere of current flow depending on the factor of resistance. This acts in coordination with the heartbeat, streamlining it and sending out specific impulses to the brain to generate certain bio-chemicals in the brain which brings about a positive mood and more confidence making us feel better, more poised and energetic.
Always had doubt on whether I was getting the original Rudrakha or not, but eRudraksha has broken the shackles and given Perfect Original Rudrakha with Certification and also they only tell how to verify genuinity. Kudos
Was looking around for a while to get Rudrakha But eRudraksha has help me get the finest Quality of Rudrakha and also they have helped me with the best one that suits me. Great job guys