ERudraksha does not sell or share email addresses and personal information of visitors
to other companies or organizations.
Our Web host's server automatically recognizes only the domain name, but not the
individual email address, of visitors to our website.
ERudraksha collects from visitors to our website their domain name (but not the
individual email address), aggregate information on the Web pages that they access or
visit, and information volunteered by the visitor, such as survey responses and
registrations. (The individual email addresses of those who send us email are available
to us, but these are used only for the purpose specified in the email communication.)
The information we collect is used for internal review in order to improve the content
and layout of our website, to customize the content and/or layout of website for
individual visitors, and to notify visitors about updates to our website. This
information is not shared with, or sold to, other organizations for commercial or other
We use cookies to store visitors' preferences, to record activity at the website in
order to provide better service when visitors return to our site, to ensure that
visitors are not repeatedly sent the same ads, and to customize Web page content based
on visitors' browser type or other information that the visitor sends.
If you do not want to receive email from us, let us know by writing to us at the above
email address. Please specify NO EMAIL in your email subject.
On-line Communications: If you provide us with your postal address on-line, you will
receive only the information that you specify. If you provide your telephone number
on-line, you will receive telephone contact only regarding orders you have placed (or
registrations) on-line.
ERudraksha reserves the right to change our policy regarding how visitor information is
used. If our information usage policy changes, the changes will be posted here. We will
use for the new purposes only data collected after the policy change. If you are
concerned about how your information will be used, check this privacy policy for changes
when you visit our website.
Upon written request, we will provide you with the information (e.g., name, address,
phone number) that we maintain about you. Consumers can request this information by
writing to the email address or postal address provided above.